The Super Bowl: A Mini Photo Story + WE HIT 100!!!


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SAY WHAT NOW??? I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are so awesome! *hugs everyone* MARSHMALLOWS FOR EVERYONE! Wait, not everyone…*takes insulin shot* ok now I get my marshmallow! XD We’re going to have an AWESOME blog party next weekend, on Saturday, February 17, 2018 (exact time TBD) More details in tomorrow’s post!

Anyways…I thought it would be fun to do a little photo-story! Enjoy!

~In the POV of Maryellen~

IMG_2284Today is better than Easter. My birthday. Or (dare I say it?) Christmas.

IMG_2263 2.JPGWhy? Because it’s Super Bowl Sunday.

IMG_2264 2.JPGI race in to the living room at 5:00AM, a countdown until the game airs already ticking away in my head. Twelve hours to go.

IMG_2265 2.JPGStanding there, in all of its wonderful glory, is the coveted…


IMG_2267 2.JPGEvery year on Super Bowl Sunday, Alexandra decorates a bowl in a superhero mask and a cape and fills it to the brim with M&Ms. Then, all the other dolls have to guess how many M&Ms are in the bowl and put it on a slip of paper..

IMG_2269 2.JPGAnd the best part? The person closest to the total amount wins the ENTIRE BOWL of M&Ms! And bragging rights. Don’t forget the bragging rights.

IMG_2270.JPGWell, you see, dear reader, that I have never won this glorious treasure before.IMG_2271 2.JPGThat’s about to change.

I have a secret strategy, you see, that I am afraid cannot be disclosed. So, shoo! I need to get to work here!

 2 hours later…

~In the POV of Alexandra~

IMG_2272.JPGI arise at an early hour, to get up and defend the Super Bowl. I just can’t keep certain somebodies from stealing M&Ms or trying to pry the number out of me–This year, the number is 82, but shhh!

IMG_2273 2.JPGI walk in to the living room.

IMG_2274 2.JPGMy jaw drops in absolute horror. My face turns white in shock.


~In the POV of Maryellen~

IMG_2276 2.JPGIt had taken a while to get all of the dolls to get up early, but all of the votes were in. Then, when everyone went back to bed, I struck.

IMG_2277 2.JPG“WHERE. IS. THE. SUPER. BOWL?!?!!” I hear Alexandra exclaim maniacally. I have to stop myself from dying of laughter.


IMG_2279 2.JPGEveryone comes rushing out of their room. “What do you mean?” “Huh?” “What?” “How could this have happened?”

IMG_2280 2.JPGThis is my cue. I strut in to the room with a mischevious smile, chocolate smeared around my lips.

IMG_2282 2.JPGI hold out a sheet of paper with my guess on it.

IMG_2283 2.JPG“Well,” Alexandra says. “I guess you win!”

IMG_2284 2.JPG“I already did!” I lick my lips.

the end


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Published by hannah rose

Hey there! I'm a teen Christian girl who loves ballet. I'm super passionate about encouraging positivity and creativity in others' lives. Thanks for stopping by!

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