50 Followers Q&A + NTTMN VOTING! + An Announcement

Greetings, Earthlings.   Hello everybody! Thanks everybody who entered the Q and A! Let’s get started! The questions will be in bold. Rachel’s Questions How long have you been blogging? Well, I started last December, so about 10 months! 😮 That’s crazy! Izzy, what’s your fave color? Izzy: Pink! Purple and teal are a close second. (HenceContinue reading “50 Followers Q&A + NTTMN VOTING! + An Announcement”

Z the Tree Hugger…Literally | A Photoshoot

Hello, marshmallows! Today I took Z outside for a photoshoot! She’s going to guest star in Forever, so that’s when she’ll be coming to the doll family on the blog, if you were wondering. So…I guess I’ll let Z take over! Hello! I’m Ziana, but everybody calls me Z. (Emmie: In her books her real name is Susie,Continue reading “Z the Tree Hugger…Literally | A Photoshoot”

Mini Misadventures #1: The Canine Catastrophe

Hello, loyal marshmallows! So first of all, if you are reading this post, high five, you! You are the awesomest person in the whole world! Here’s some marshmallows. Second of all, I wanted to give a huge shoutout to Madison @ Delightful World of Dolls! Her post inspired me to write this photo story! So let’s get onContinue reading “Mini Misadventures #1: The Canine Catastrophe”

I Customized my Sister’s Bitty Baby?? | What a Bitty Looks like with a Wig

Snoitatulas, everyone! (That’s Salutations backwards! Thanks Rachel!) So, um, I customized a… Bitty Baby. Wait what? Emmie has a Bitty? Well, moi sis has one, and she saved up for the Essential Flair Wig – Raven Black from Beautifully Custom! I’m not really sure about how it turned out, but DiamoundUnicorn430 loves it, so that’s all that matters. 🙂 Ready for theContinue reading “I Customized my Sister’s Bitty Baby?? | What a Bitty Looks like with a Wig”